What is DJ Trivia?
DJ Trivia is the best Trivia Night ever! Featured in great restaurants and bars across the nation, DJ Trivia is a Fun, Live, Interactive Trivia Game that includes you, your team, other teams, and a live DJ host. The live DJ Trivia host will display the questions on TV and offer up a variety of interesting trivia categories including: Movies, History, Music, TV, Science, and more. It's also great fun for private events and fundraisers! Bring your friends, family, and co-workers to Join in on the Fun with America's Best Live Trivia Game - DJ Trivia!

DJ Bingo was first conceived several years ago, but has since been re-imagined by the fun-loving crew at DJ Trivia.
Some say we completely re-invented bingo with a modern, fun, interactive musical bingo game for the ages. Maybe so? Here's what we know: DJ Bingo is a fun, interactive Music Bingo game for all ages that will have you grooving to some great tunes! We replaced the ole bingo balls with some of your favorite tunes, and added some modern technology, to put a New Groove on Bingo. We'll play a song clip and show details on the TV. You will have limited time to figure out what the song is and use that magnificent brain of yours to match for a DJ Bingo. Can't figure it out? No problem! We will give you a hint. Unlike traditional bingo, there are no balls, no lengthy cards, no free spaces and no snoozing! DJ Bingo allows you to sing and dance your way to a win, if that's your thing, it's a ton of fun!
Bring your phone or tablet to play along or grab a DJ Bingo music card from us when you sign up at your favorite location. It's fun for all ages! So, bring your family, friends and even that creepy guy from work.